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Friday 4 February 2011

Park run

This saturday im doing a 5k run in bolton. I know why would someone do that to themselves? well it all started with my new years resolution "get fit" brilliant... so me, emma  and amy are going to be running our faces off on saturday morning. Did i mention it starts at wait for it 9:OO IN THE MORNING!!!! i am sorry but that is preacticly mifnight. its cold, wet and dark and what am i doing ? im running around a field. To all of you sain people reading this thinking why would you do that, i answer i dont know. But ill be the one laughing when i wake up the next day with a six pack to die for and perfectly toned legs. By tonedi mean fake tanned and by six pack i mean of coke but you know we can dream. Anyway wish me luck  and you should tottally come if you wanan get fit. We can sweat together acroos the nation, was it just me or does that sound really weird? anywya heres the link tio the website, have a look , they do runs all over the country. I also apapologise for all the spelling mistakes as im writing this with a piece of paper covering the screen so my friend cant see what im writing, im in tutorial lamoe . ok anywy thi link is : i
                                                      xx Love pixie xx   

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