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Monday 27 December 2010

super skinny is not good

I saw someone else writing about this on another blog - and i agreed with them. i foudn it super annoying and for some reason went onto the original site and emailed a complaint. i do not know why i did that but whatever, it was really annoying.

ok so on this site
its a celeb gossip site, quite possibly american but im not to sure someone wrote an article about this picture.(left)

They basicly said that vannessa hudgens was to fat to wear this top and i quote "she should do a few extra crunches before sporting a belly baring tee. I mean, Megan Fox could pull this off, but alas, Vanessa will never be as hot as The Foxy One. C'mon, it's the truth!"

What?! lol if i was this "fat" i would be running around in a bikini , well no but... never mind just flashing an inch of my stomach. I hope you will agree with me that this star is not fat in any way. she has a great figure, healthy, happy, toned and tanned.  I know i am ranitng a little but it really annoyed me. I mean its no wonder so many girls are getting to thin if you get idiots posting stuff about thin celebs being fat . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ok moment over.

I know that gossips sites like this are supposed to stir things up and basicly spread gossip but still! they must have had seriously nothing to write about. the caption was suggesting  " instead of covering up ehr face...cover up a different part of her body or wear a longer t-shirt"

but if you are like most of the readers of the original article then you will disagree with the author. I read the comments and thankfully yes we nearly all seem to agree she is in fact thin.

Thanks for listening to this rant, hope you agree and im glad we cleared this up

she does nto appear over weight. I actually also really like this outfit and think it is perfectly suited to the weather, season, fashion and activity. So who needs super skinyn when shes super stylish

xx Love pixie xx


Wednesday 22 December 2010


yh this is me lol fail whale much
Ok so before you start readint his thinnking this post has a doesnt. It is meerly me talking about nothing most likely to myself, but because i put it into a post i can't get arrested for being like mental or something which is fab

well its the chritmas holidays and im wasting my life away doing nothing. Theres snow outside unfortunatley i hate the snow, its so cold  but very pretty. ummmmmm, thinking time needed,  i have a cough. thats not exactly a conversation starter is it but its something. going sledging tomorrow with my friends beth and emily. beths on youtube btw so check her out - xbethjo - been on fb, changed my profile picture. its all very exciting really.

Spoke to my friend john fisher who moved to australia, so that was nice. on fb of course. he has a blog to because i just inspire people to start blogs nad pursue their dreams and i just make peoples dreams come true. yh clearrrrrrlyy. joke. but yh check that out too please x- - thats his blog in case you havent guessed.

what am i doing with my life...seriously? ..
Ok what else has happened in ym fun pact life so far. ooh i went to george prices gig with my bestest fwend in the whole widest world beth , this is the - xbethjo -beth. Hes beths boy frienddd :D if you didnt knwo that where have you been?> everyone knows that. hes in a band called rock republic and their really good. it was a fun night out. what did you wear i hear you ask? well my dearest friends i wore
  • a purple vest top-primark
  • A loose, poofy flower skirt-primark
  • black tights-primark
  • trench boots-shoe zone
  • black chunky waist cyncher belt-new look
  • shortish(wiast length) black cardigan-primark
lol, as you can see im made of money. and how did you wear these fabulous fashion pieces? (joke) i hear you ask. welllllll. i had the skirt over the vest top and i wore it high up if you get me. it was above my waist. lik rib hight or something. black belt at the join between the skirt and the top. black cardigan on but not buttoned up  . trench boots undone and loose. 

and what am i wearing now? i jhear u ask? . ok i really need to a) stop pretending i have some over eager audience in front of me and b) stop acting liek anybody cares. but let me have one last bit of fun. well i am wearing:
  • a green boyish tighish but stil lososepolo necky t-shirt, with 3 butons at the top-south california(some shop aparently not south california, i didnt go to california, i wish)
  • jeans-monday (if that means antyhing to anybody)
  • pink and brown stirped cardigan-top shop (INR!)
im not gona go into any detail as il only bore myself, i say myself becaus ei assume no-one else got any further than the first pointless line of this post. its liek a circle. it started pointless and ended pointless. ahh i never fail to disapoint ;) xxx

xx Love pixie xx


Monday 13 December 2010

The clothes show

ahh it was amazing, i will have pictures on here asap but i'll just give you a quick brief on what it was about. Ok it was all about movies, like the themes form movies. The clothes that came down the catwalk were all suited to the different genres whihc were:
  • horror
  • science fiction
  • comedy
  • rommance
  • western
  • action
i thinkkkkk that was it. George lamb hosted it. there was lots of male models and it was just amazing. if you can all go next year seriously its worth it XD xxxx

Love Pixie xxx